import {fetch} from 'wix-fetch'; google-site-verification=FeBbiX-35t_7XUT1uNOtxHzeeMiWapNLhv1nlsrN8IU // ... fetch("", {method: "get"}) .then( (httpResponse) => { let url = httpResponse.url; let statusCode = httpResponse.status; let statusText = httpResponse.statusText; let headers = httpResponse.headers; let bodyUsed = httpResponse.bodyUsed; if (httpResponse.ok) { return httpResponse.json(); } else { return Promise.reject("Fetch did not succeed"); } } ) .then( (json) => { console.log(json.rates["USD"]); } ) .catch( (err) => { console.log(err); } ); G.L.C.R. TRIBAL ENGAGEMENT CONSULTANT | G.L.C.R. At R.I.D.
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Tribal/Business Book Entry Administration provides for the first year:

1. Keyword searches on direct success approach, using processed law guides, for exact choice of topic you choose as your business interest.

2. Government and tax payer transparency access to all three branches of Federal Government under the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act.

3. Training on some of the most frequently used Government Information Systems.

4. Retrieval research to Congressional bills, laws processed, laws pending, and passed.

5. United States Government manuals, statues at large, plus some Presidental papers/Executive Orders. 

6. Treasury Trust/Estate account established or monitored by G.L.C.R. for three months consecutive.

7.Consultation to Administrations, and Municipal training webinars to build portfolio plus business infrastructure.

8. Reduce core cost, and increase profit methods with-in conglomerate services, and resources by way of consolidation and integration options.

9. Attend G.L.C.R. Board Meetings for potential co-operations with staff projects,campaigns, sponsorships, and Tribal programs international plus local optional.

10. Cross promote your business venue with free and open source networks. Federal contracting and no cost networks into Government funding resources are always optional. 

11. Lifetime Associate/Member to G.L.C.R., with voting and all level access to conglomerate minutes as shareholder, investor, partner, or Board Executive.

12. Corporate counseling, mentoring, and assistance to grants, program creation, analytic surveys for your business interest.

13. Access to municipal training for legislation, rulemaking, and initiating Federal Regulations/Legal Comment to Cogressional bills, acts, patents, trademarks and much more.

14. Mentoring in every structure of legal business infrastructure planning and development with G.L.C.R. as a liason.

15. Funding primer advise for winding up (d.b.a.) while doing business as with complete compliance, to policy, rules, regulations and procedures professional to due process.

16. Start up tools and training in multistate licenses optional.

17. New identity benefits through immigration and naturalization for foreign and United States associates of our Tribal Communion/Membership of private, or dual citizenship.

18. Partnership opportunities for international and congressional trade secrets like meets with GPO Federal Registry in Washington Dc.

19. Get newsletters directly from subscriptions with-in Government structures as foresight to congressional availibilities and vacancies.


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  • This Tribal Level Access requires a $50 monthly fee to stay active after your first year.

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