import {fetch} from 'wix-fetch'; google-site-verification=FeBbiX-35t_7XUT1uNOtxHzeeMiWapNLhv1nlsrN8IU // ... fetch("", {method: "get"}) .then( (httpResponse) => { let url = httpResponse.url; let statusCode = httpResponse.status; let statusText = httpResponse.statusText; let headers = httpResponse.headers; let bodyUsed = httpResponse.bodyUsed; if (httpResponse.ok) { return httpResponse.json(); } else { return Promise.reject("Fetch did not succeed"); } } ) .then( (json) => { console.log(json.rates["USD"]); } ) .catch( (err) => { console.log(err); } ); BOOK ENTRY TO G.L.C.R. ADMINISTRATION | G.L.C.R. At R.I.D.
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Book Entry Administration provides for the first month:

1. Keyword searches on direct success approach, using processed law guides, for exact choice of topic you choose as your business interest.

2. Government and tax payer transparency access to all three branches of Federal Government under the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act.

3. Training on some of the most frequently used Government Information Systems.

4. Retrieval research to Congressional bills, laws processed, laws pending, and passed.

5. United States Government manuals, statues at large, plus some Presidental papers/Executive Orders given to you as sample of "law procedures", and final results. 


SKU: 364215376135191
  • This Recipient Level Access requires a $50 monthly fee to stay active after your first purchase services has ended.

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